Mixed Messages is the online presence of Daniel Koh. It compiles activities, news with a showcase of past and recent projects.(From now on, I'll pull out the good links from t ... More Mixed Messages is the online presence of Daniel Koh. It compiles activities, news with a showcase of past and recent projects. (From now on, I'll pull out the good links from the old db-db and let's learn from the history) Less |
เวลา 18 มีนา - 13 พฤษภา 2550 | 10:30-21:00สถ ... More เวลา 18 มีนา - 13 พฤษภา 2550 | 10:30-21:00 สถานที่ ห้องนิทรรศการ 2 อะไรคืองานออกแบบสมัยใหม่ของ ไทย? คำถามปลายเปิดที่คุณสามารถมา ค้นหาคำตอบได้ในงานแสดง “ออก... แบบ... ไทย – ห้าทศวรรษการออก แบบสมัยใหม่ของไทย” ไม่เสียค่าใช้จ่ายใดๆ RESOURCE: TCDC- Thailand Creative & Design Center- Less |
Bee-made vessel by Tomas Gabzdil Libertiny of ... More |
"Cane Picio is a character created by HongKon ... More |
-Paris-L'exposition de Wim Crouwel se termin ... More -Paris- L'exposition de Wim Crouwel se termine le 28 avril à la Galerie Anatome (http://www.galerie-anatome.fr) au métro Bastille. Il y aura aussi une conférence au Centre Georges Pompidou le 25 avril. Pour ceux qui ne peuvent pas se déplacer, on peut voir une interview du gaphiste-typographe sous forme de feuilleton-vodcast sur le site d'Étapes (http://www.etapes.com). Less |
A nice site of Wieden+Kennedy which visualizes the company through some typographic landscapes. Yet some parts have a great resemblance to Visual Thesaurus. More A nice site of Wieden+Kennedy which visualizes the company through some typographic landscapes. Yet some parts have a great resemblance to Visual Thesaurus. Less |
Nice pictograms !!! (Although the typograpgy ... More |
a book of International poster of Chinese cha ... More |
又有一大堆的好相似設計。每當發現香港出現一些不太差的設計時,我總會來看看是否會在這個部落格裏找到它們。有時候覺得這已是一種香港的文化,並存於每個行業裏。好相似MV提供: 鄭希怡 "Up and Down" VS Goldfrapp "Strict Machine" More 又有一大堆的好相似設計。每當發現香港出現一些不太差的設計時,我總會來看看是否會在這個部落格裏找到它們。有時候覺得這已是一種香港的文化,並存於每個行業裏。 好相似MV提供: 鄭希怡 "Up and Down" VS Goldfrapp "Strict Machine" Less |
Is there a need to capitalize theory and how? Imaginery Foundation celebrated 25th T-post (tee/zine subscription) with Marshall McLuhan's insight. More Is there a need to capitalize theory and how? Imaginery Foundation celebrated 25th T-post (tee/zine subscription) with Marshall McLuhan's insight. Less |
"為慶祝八達通面世10周年,我們特於2月2日至3月16日舉辦八達通卡設計比賽,藉此鼓勵市民發揮創意,將「八達通.通全港」這主題展現......是次比賽設冠軍、亞、季軍各一名,分別可獲現金港幣8,000、5,000及3,000元,另設入圍獎多名。賽果將於今年6月公佈,有關比賽規則、參加表格及其他詳情,請登上八達通網站..."但網站上找不到有關資料 ... More "為慶祝八達通面世10周年,我們特於2月2日至3月16日舉辦八達通卡設計比賽,藉此鼓勵市民發揮創意,將「八達通.通全港」這主題展現... ...是次比賽設冠軍、亞、季軍各一名,分別可獲現金港幣8,000、5,000及3,000元,另設入圍獎多名。賽果將於今年6月公佈,有關比賽規則、參加表格及其他詳情,請登上八達通網站..." 但網站上找不到有關資料, 有人知道詳情嗎? Less |
"I'm a designer & I buy books for the cover.I'm a designer & I eat challenges for breakfast.I'm a designer & it shows."Join the conversation and get to know the 2007 graduat ... More "I'm a designer & I buy books for the cover. I'm a designer & I eat challenges for breakfast. I'm a designer & it shows." Join the conversation and get to know the 2007 graduates of the York/Sheridan Design Program. In April 2007, it'll be Just Between Us. Less |
Netdiver just released their Best of the Year shortlist. Check it out! More http://netdiver.net/newsarchive/boty/boty06.php " target="_blank">Netdiver just released their Best of the Year shortlist. Check it out! Less |
'ARTicle' is a showcase of the best creatives ... More 'ARTicle' is a showcase of the best creatives around the world. No. 17 showcases the work of Kevin Roberson. Kevin spent ten years at Cahan & Associates in San Francisco and is now working independently since 2004. He currently splits his time between San Francisco and Los Angeles. For over 15 years, he has created packaging, print collateral and publication design for a range of clients including Banana Republic, Visa, Coca-Cola just to name a few. Less |