卡帶的年代幾乎已經消逝逛到tapedeck有種莫名的興奮tapedeck邀請全世界擁 ... More 卡帶的年代幾乎已經消逝 逛到tapedeck有種莫名的興奮 tapedeck邀請全世界擁有獨特卡帶外型的朋友一同上傳分享!! 下文轉載自www.tapedeck.org There's an amazing range of designs, starting from the early 60's functional cassette designs, moving through the colourful playfulness of the 70's audio tapes to amazing shape variations during the 80's and 90's. We hope you enjoy these tapes as much as we do! Less |
The Internet is flooded with free copies, so how can you make something better than free? In this essay, Kevin Kelly sheds light on this issue with his eight uncopyable values. ... More The Internet is flooded with free copies, so how can you make something better than free? In this essay, Kevin Kelly sheds light on this issue with his eight uncopyable values. P.S. In the essay he writes, "Even a dog knows you can't erase something once its flowed on the internet." Apparently the Hong Kong police should ask a dog for advice in the recent star sex photos scandal. Less |
Robert@flight404 released the source code of ... More Robert@flight404 released the source code of his Particle Emitter, gorgeous as always. If you're interested to learn about Processing or coding in the domain of media arts, his site is always a good place to visit. Less |
"CUCI (cut-up / code-in) is primarily an experiment in language and programming. Individual word-units are at the meme mercy of systematic thesaurus look-ups in a fashion simila ... More "CUCI (cut-up / code-in) is primarily an experiment in language and programming. Individual word-units are at the meme mercy of systematic thesaurus look-ups in a fashion similar to the 'human' process. Whereas softmachines are prejudiced, the logic-board is not." Less |
"Netdiver Best of the Year are more than a yearly retrospective - or a trendy compendium. We share the same space as TIME Best of the Year (via Google) and for an online sub-cul ... More "Netdiver Best of the Year are more than a yearly retrospective - or a trendy compendium. We share the same space as TIME Best of the Year (via Google) and for an online sub-culture design magazine, we think that's pretty awesome. Review our 100 best of the best! These folks whatever their disciplines create memorable and dazzling projects, taking us to uncharted territories where imagination, skill, talent abide - inciting us to keep pushing forward." Less |
下午,被港仔丟棄的我,一個人閒晃在中環/蘭桂坊附近。結志街的傳統市場裡,活跳的鮮魚、菜販肉販前選購的主婦、來來往往的手推車,讓我想到台北的東門市場 - 喧鬧、忙亂,如出一轍。而突然間讓我眼睛一亮的,是坐落在這個喧鬧不已的市場裡,安靜低調的一個白色小門。旁邊的玻璃窗上,貼有一張A4大小的紙,寫著法國的廚師精心製作鵝肝醬的介紹。我好奇地往裡頭看,只見深 ... More 下午,被港仔丟棄的我,一個人閒晃在中環/蘭桂坊附近。結志街的傳統市場裡,活跳的鮮魚、菜販肉販前選購的主婦、來來往往的手推車,讓我想到台北的東門市場 - 喧鬧、忙亂,如出一轍。 而突然間讓我眼睛一亮的,是坐落在這個喧鬧不已的市場裡,安靜低調的一個白色小門。旁邊的玻璃窗上,貼有一張A4大小的紙,寫著法國的廚師精心製作鵝肝醬的介紹。我好奇地往裡頭看,只見深褐色的老舊木桌,上面擺了一個樣式簡單的玻璃瓶子,和兩個水杯。我推進門,店裡的高雅卻又親切的氣質,讓我不自覺地把音量壓得很小聲,小到我甚至不確定對方聽不聽得到。經過詢問,原本只想喝杯咖啡的我,才發現原來他們只做午晚餐,沒有下午茶。但沒想到的是,老闆卻很親切地、也同樣很小聲地,用他的廣東口音跟我說,"沒關係,你進來,我請你喝杯咖啡。"真的可以嗎?我問。也許是因為覺得有緣吧,他很熱情地就給了我一個窗邊的位子。或是因為位子真的比較少,之後陸續也有人進來問一樣的問題,也沒見老闆請他們進來坐。 店裡不論一桌一椅,都有說不出的氣質。矮冰櫃裡擺著各式的鵝肝醬,跟記憶裡歐洲市集裡的小店一樣,透露著一股新鮮、樸實;一旁的古董相機,也讓我想起在英國舊市場裡的行家交易,品味敏銳出眾。我一邊坐下一邊問老闆,為什麼要把這麼有氣質的店開在這裡。只見他毫不猶豫地笑著回答: "市場裡嘛~這是法國的傳統。" 開西餐廳的人很多。但是能碰到真正還原歐洲的品味和文化精髓的店,卻是難得。為人客氣的他,一聽說我想喝cappucino,就笑著謙虛地說,"機器不好,我試一試。"叫我很不好意思。我忍不住開始跟老闆聊起天來,聽說了他在法國的十年學攝影、開gallery的經歷;也才知道他是因為孩子出生了,希望他在自己的家鄉成長,才回到香港來。我一邊聽,一邊看著這扇門隔個門裡門外兩個世界,想著在這個腳步飛快的海港金融都市裡,能夠巧遇這樣的人、和他一磚一瓦拼湊出的世外桃源。我發現自己運氣真好。 稍有遺憾的是,這家經營了四年的法國餐廳並沒有網頁,老闆的笑容裡也似乎透露出不希望大張旗鼓的低調。我說想在blog上分享給大家,"這下可能只能留地址了",他才告訴我明年香港政府要重建結志街這整個舊neighborhood,所以他們到時候應該也會搬家,我如果再來也許只得靠緣分。但不管怎樣,我還是把店的info留在下面,希望有緣人有機會碰到熱情的老闆,文化rich到滿出來的店,和他濃得讓人帶著微笑離去的cappucino。 店名:Le Monde d'Ulysse 地址:香港中環結志街9號地下(一樓) 電話:(+856) 2526 2621 Less |
HIS mastery of material use and light to crea ... More HIS mastery of material use and light to create powerful/ memorable spaces undeniably makes him one of the most gifted architects in the world. source: http://www.0lll.com Less |
FORWARD JOB POSTINGREF:D04J081857Designer ... More FORWARD JOB POSTING REF:D04J081857 Designer / Senior Designer We are seeking a talented designer for Broadcast Design and on-screen Interface design. Projects include TV graphics packages, interface, main titles, on-air promos, and network branding. You must be capable of artfully executing complicated high-level motion graphics concepts, balancing your own amazing vision under creative direction, and working in a highly collaborative environment. Person must be very creative AND very detail oriented. Formal design training is a must. This is a full-time, in-house position. Requirements: * College graduate in design/multimedia/animation program or equivalent experience. Those with 6 years or more experience in design will be considered as Senior. * Strong creative and technical skills in 2D and 3D animation * Proficient in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Flash. Experience in 3ds Max is a plus. * Strong Chinese and English typography and layout skill. * Excellent problem solving ability, artist vision, highly motivated and good organizational skills. * Detail oriented and able to work independently under tight schedule. * Excellent command of English and Chinese, proficiency in Mandarin is an advantage. * Please send CV with REF:D04J081857 to Joanne.LM.Mak@pccw.com * Application will not be considered without portfolio or show reel. * Overseas Applicants are welcome. Less |
Eniminiminimos: Artists who make things small ... More Eniminiminimos: Artists who make things small Artists from Eniminiminimos: Artists Who Make Things Small, beg to differ. This group exhibition explores the notion of ‘small size’ in contemporary art, and features a dozen ways that small is big. 12 international artists from Singapore, Hong Kong and various cities in the United Kingdom come together to exhibit their contemporary miniature artworks in Studio Bibliothèque, Hong Kong, on 12, 13, 19 and 20 Jan 2008. Less |