我也很喜歡Boy With A Coin裡的Flamenco、閃光少女裡兩個少女非常短暫的鏡子舞、能動的三分間意味不明的麥扣滑步、Strawberry Chips那兩顆不是太整齊的聖誕樹、Hung Up全部的人(尤其是中華餐廳那幾位)、Zero裡在車頂上蹦跳的Karen O、Stay Away四位靠合成展現精湛舞步的大叔、Leggy Blonde裡Jemaine的thong thong thong solo。
天啊,講到Flight of the Conch ... More 為了看她們的小馬舞步我都聽到快要強迫症了。 我覺得我好像在考驗這首歌的耐聽程度。 我也很喜歡Boy With A Coin裡的Flamenco、閃光少女裡兩個少女非常短暫的鏡子舞、能動的三分間意味不明的麥扣滑步、Strawberry Chips那兩顆不是太整齊的聖誕樹、Hung Up全部的人(尤其是中華餐廳那幾位)、Zero裡在車頂上蹦跳的Karen O、Stay Away四位靠合成展現精湛舞步的大叔、Leggy Blonde裡Jemaine的thong thong thong solo。 天啊,講到Flight of the Conchords,他們的影集絕對是我目前看過最好笑的。幾乎每集都可以讓我笑到流眼淚。我要找DVD來收藏。 Less |
媽呀我現在正在聽Wild Beasts新專輯Smother的第一首歌:Lion's Share
和Limbo, Panto比起來怎麼有浪子回頭金不換的感覺。
連T ... More 媽呀我現在正在聽Wild Beasts新專輯Smother的第一首歌:Lion's Share 這、這麼可愛的人是我所認得的Hayden嗎!? 歌聲中還是聽得出那些錯綜複雜的細密神經, 但是一點都不歇斯底里。 好、好可愛! Hayden好像一張比一張還軟了。 和Limbo, Panto比起來怎麼有浪子回頭金不換的感覺。 現在才聽第一首,不知道後來會不會突然又爆炸了。 有種好新鮮所以捨不得一次把專輯聽完的感覺。 期待好久了吶。 在我打字的過程中播到了第三首,我都快哭了。 連Tom都轉性了! 怎麼了你們!? 怎麼突然收起調皮走起讓人不自覺臉紅心跳的路線了!? 聽完了。 Wild Beasts的戲劇性消失了。 聽過Two Dancers後我一直很怕他們的第三張專輯如果沒有超越第二張怎麼辦。 結果果然是沒有超越,但是我怎麼想也沒想過Wild Beasts能有這麼柔軟的一面。 超不超越什麼的,怎麼會有人提出這麼膚淺的問題! 啊!是我! 如果這三張專輯是三個男人的話我一定會成為道德低下連狗都只想對著我撒尿的女人。 Less |
Smother is the upcoming and third studio album by British indie rock band Wild Beasts. The album is due for release May 10 in the U.S. and May 9 in the UK.
According to the band, the album represents a more synth-oriented sound, influence ... More Smother is the upcoming and third studio album by British indie rock band Wild Beasts. The album is due for release May 10 in the U.S. and May 9 in the UK. According to the band, the album represents a more synth-oriented sound, influenced by "moving to Dalston", brazilian writer Clarice Lispector, noise pop duo Fuck Buttons and Mary Shelley's book, Frankenstein. Track listing: Lion's Share Bed of Nails Deeper Loop the Loop Plaything Invisible Albatross Reach a Bit Further Burning End Come Too Soon ---------------------------------- 五、五月! 有點難想像走synth-oriented路線的W.B.。但是光看到受Frankenstein的影響,我的想像就已經開始飛不停了! W.B.+synth-oriented+Frankenstein 我的媽咪啊。 Less |
ねえ きみが思っている程
きみが使う ことばひとつで
ぼくはいつも 胸が痛いよ
全神経を尖らせて 君を探ってるの
乱れる呼吸 泳いでる目 ... More ねえ きみが思っている程 ぼくは馬鹿じゃないよ 鈍感なフリするのも 堪えられなくなってきたんだ ぼくのために さりげなく隠している過去も たまにつくやさしい嘘も 気付いているんだよ きみが使う ことばひとつで ぼくはいつも 胸が痛いよ 平然と振る舞うぼくも 内心は穏やかじゃないよ 全神経を尖らせて 君を探ってるの 乱れる呼吸 泳いでる目 はぐらかす表情 一挙手一投足が 恐くて仕方ないんだよ きみが作る しぐさひとつで ぼくはいつも 胸が痛いよ 気に入ってるその洋服も ヘアースタイルや厚化粧も 思い出話も 価値観も 喜怒哀楽も 変なくせのあるキスも ベッドで喘ぐ声も ぼく以外の誰かにも 見せていたんでしょう きみが使う ことばひとつで ぼくはいつも 胸が痛いよ きみが作る しぐさひとつで ぼくはいつも 胸が痛いよ やさしい嘘をついてまでも 喜ばせるよりもさ 本当のことを言ってくれよ そして ぼくを悲しませて 気付いたらぼくはもう 独占欲に溺れていて エゴイズムを振り翳して くだらない愛を語っていたよ でもぼくはきみが好きで どうしようもない程に 好きなのさ これだけは 信じて欲しいんだよ きみが生きる ひとつひとつが ぼくにとって 喜びなんだ きみが生きる ひとつひとつが ぼくにとって 悲しみなんだ 胸が痛いよ 胸が痛いよ 胸が痛いよ ぼくが抱く この思いは きみにとって 愛と言えるの? 教えてくれよ 教えてくれよ 胸が痛いよ Less |
So, I'm seriously considering giving birth to a new name that I can surf on the internet without being recognized and being mocked by it. The truth is, I don't even remember how I came out signing myself as HONEYBEE; I was still in positively kinda-cute phase, I guess. But now, look ... More So, I'm seriously considering giving birth to a new name that I can surf on the internet without being recognized and being mocked by it. The truth is, I don't even remember how I came out signing myself as HONEYBEE; I was still in positively kinda-cute phase, I guess. But now, look at me, I'm too dark and twisted to pocess this sweet image. Sadly, I still couldn't think of any name except the one I have for years in my real life; lack of imagination. Well, we'll see. Oh! And here! This is the most dangerous album through 2009: HOSPICE by The Antlers. It's not the kind of album that you can just carry it all the way, especially when you happened to have a family member or friend or lover killed by cancer, bone cancer actually. And I did. So, I need to prepare myself well before listening. It's kinda like you're alone in a hopital, lying in a hospital bed. You can almost smell the bleach. Suddenly you are cut open from your chest to your belly; no blood sprinkling. And then you can see your own heart beating, strongly. You know that you're alive. But how can you be so alone and alive? Then your wound sewed. You can still see the stitches and feel that pain in your heart. You're tired of being alone in pain, but the heart beats so loud that it enables you to think of anything else. You close your eyes, sink yourself in the darkness. The one you love left, the smell of bleach left, the sound left, the world left. You have aN aching heart beating. As I said, it's a dangerous album. Less |
Here's the new love of my life: WILD BEASTS, formed by Hayden Thorpe(guitar/falsetto), Ben Little(guitar), Tom Fleming(Bass/tenor), Chris Talbot a.k.a. Bert(Percussion/baritone). Hayden's voice is quite invented and sometimes siren-like to me. When he sings with Tom, they're ju ... More Here's the new love of my life: WILD BEASTS, formed by Hayden Thorpe(guitar/falsetto), Ben Little(guitar), Tom Fleming(Bass/tenor), Chris Talbot a.k.a. Bert(Percussion/baritone). Hayden's voice is quite invented and sometimes siren-like to me. When he sings with Tom, they're just like literally two dancers dancing together. I'm now trying to focus on Bert's sort of popping beats and enjoy their songs. I personally recommond 'The Fun Powder Plot', 'Hooting & Howling(love, love, love!)', 'When I'm Sleepy', 'Two Dancers I & II.' But all the songs in the album are definately worth to listen to. TWO DANCERS is the 2nd album of W.B.. The first one is LIMBO, PANTO. Less |