[Fashion + Technology = Future]
Technology Will Save Us的最新Kickstarter項目。 More |
又一個精彩的WebGL Chrome Experiment。只看班底就覺得厲害:AAron Koblin, Chris Milk, Mr.doob。 More |
在Safari的Google搜索裡打 "tilt" 然後按 Search。快試試! via @ conorfromorange More |
RIG 是倫敦的一個創意組合,他們由設計師、工程師和策略專家組成。有趣的Project有:Newspaper Club, S3FM 和 Datadecs。上圖是Datadecs,他們把你在社交網站上的數據變成聖誕掛飾。 More RIG 是倫敦的一個創意組合,他們由設計師、工程師和策略專家組成。有趣的Project有:Newspaper Club, S3FM 和 Datadecs。上圖是Datadecs,他們把你在社交網站上的數據變成聖誕掛飾。 Less |
他的網站:http://www.hhjjj.com More |
加入诺基亚Jan Chipchase讲座,与他一起探讨观察人类行为,文化与科技模式过程中所存在的挑战,发现这三者相互碰撞出火花的艺术。 Jan一直致力于诺基亚的设计调研,用真实世界中的洞察与经历给予设计进程更多的灵感与启发,并引导相应的企业策略。他的调研工作遍布世界各地,为概念和科技的传播提供独一无二的见解。他在东京诺基亚的调研实验室担任首席科学家长达8年。目前在洛杉矶工作,骑车上下斑。你可以在他的个人网站janchipchase.com找到他的足迹。 2009年7月19日 周日 晚上7:30至 9:30 W+K 上海 - 长乐路1035号3楼(近乌鲁木齐路) 英文对话,中文翻译。讨论随后参与人数有限,请与panthea.lee@gmail.com预约 More 加入诺基亚Jan Chipchase讲座,与他一起探讨观察人类行为,文化与科技模式过程中所存在的挑战,发现这三者相互碰撞出火花的艺术。 Jan一直致力于诺基亚的设计调研,用真实世界中的洞察与经历给予设计进程更多的灵感与启发,并引导相应的企业策略。他的调研工作遍布世界各地,为概念和科技的传播提供独一无二的见解。他在东京诺基亚的调研实验室担任首席科学家长达8年。目前在洛杉矶工作,骑车上下斑。你可以在他的个人网站janchipchase.com找到他的足迹。 2009年7月19日 周日 晚上7:30至 9:30 W+K 上海 - 长乐路1035号3楼(近乌鲁木齐路) 英文对话,中文翻译。讨论随后参与人数有限,请与panthea.lee@gmail.com预约 Less |
"Less coding, more time on creativity... The beauty of Progression, it is a real powerful framework to support from .fla/.as to .html/JavaScript automatically. Let's focus on your creative work." Discovered this in the context menu (right-click) of the previous UNIQLO site. Still not quite sure what it is yet, but looks very promising... More "Less coding, more time on creativity... The beauty of Progression, it is a real powerful framework to support from .fla/.as to .html/JavaScript automatically. Let's focus on your creative work." Discovered this in the context menu (right-click) of the previous UNIQLO site. Still not quite sure what it is yet, but looks very promising... Less |
"Here at Zugara, we’re proud to announce the launch of our newest application, The Webcam Social Shopper. Coupling the functionality of both Augmented Reality and Motion Capture, this application will allow anyone with a webcam to shop online" Full story in here. More |
隨著 WWDC 2008 即將來臨,3G iPhone 的傳聞也越來越多。香港和記電訊剛宣佈了會代理 iPhone後,3G iPhone的可信性也越來越高(因為和記是以3G業務為主)。 最近網上出現了兩款疑似新 iPhone 屏幕的照片,分別是 2.8 和 3.2 吋 (現在的是3.5吋),會不會是 iPhone Nano的呢? More |
Steve Jobs 可能也是秉著“天變不足畏,祖宗不足法,人言不足恤”的精神來管理他的頻果王國,不同的是王安石變法失敗,他卻把頻果電腦從谷底帶領到超越 Dell 緊隨 Intel 的地位。 他的企管方針、營商之道可能是魔鬼般的邪惡,但用家們卻視之為神明。WIRED 的這篇文章詳細的述說了這位 Evil Genius 怎樣跟業界所謂的王道背道而馳而又能領先同儕。 More Steve Jobs 可能也是秉著“天變不足畏,祖宗不足法,人言不足恤”的精神來管理他的頻果王國,不同的是王安石變法失敗,他卻把頻果電腦從谷底帶領到超越 Dell 緊隨 Intel 的地位。 他的企管方針、營商之道可能是魔鬼般的邪惡,但用家們卻視之為神明。WIRED 的這篇文章詳細的述說了這位 Evil Genius 怎樣跟業界所謂的王道背道而馳而又能領先同儕。 Less |
The Internet is flooded with free copies, so how can you make something better than free? In this essay, Kevin Kelly sheds light on this issue with his eight uncopyable values. P.S. In the essay he writes, "Even a dog knows you can't erase something once its flowed on the internet." Apparently th ... More The Internet is flooded with free copies, so how can you make something better than free? In this essay, Kevin Kelly sheds light on this issue with his eight uncopyable values. P.S. In the essay he writes, "Even a dog knows you can't erase something once its flowed on the internet." Apparently the Hong Kong police should ask a dog for advice in the recent star sex photos scandal. Less |
"A joint research project between Toshio Iwai and NHK STRL, Morphovision is a unique display system that interactively transforms and animates a 3D solid object before our eyes." I saw this installation last year, it's really amazing when the house melted down in front of my naked eyes. More "A joint research project between Toshio Iwai and NHK STRL, Morphovision is a unique display system that interactively transforms and animates a 3D solid object before our eyes." I saw this installation last year, it's really amazing when the house melted down in front of my naked eyes. Less |
The online presence of the Dutch media artist Jan Robert Leegte. Check out the scrollbars series, simple and intelligent. More The online presence of the Dutch media artist Jan Robert Leegte. Check out the scrollbars series, simple and intelligent. Less |
He is an artist who works mainly with electricity, motors, electronics and mechanical stuff. I really enjoy his art and browsing the site. Very inspiring, witty and well-documented. This is my most favorite piece. More |