這是Jonathan Harris兩年前的作品。大量的照片和生理數據結合成的互動相本創造出一種嶄新的敘事方法。 More |
"He was a millionaire who lived his wild life online. Then he disappeared. Andrew Smith tracks down Josh Harris, the subject of a new documentary We Live in Public" More "He was a millionaire who lived his wild life online. Then he disappeared. Andrew Smith tracks down Josh Harris, the subject of a new documentary We Live in Public" Less |
db CHAIR now up for sale at: ORIGIN WOODWORK 上海市宛平路114号靠近康平路114 Wan Ping Rd. near Kang Ping Rd., Shanghai, China. Special discount will be offered to db-db members, please email me directly if you're interested. More |
"Our plan is to retrace the route of the automotive CEOs who went to Washington DC asking for government loans. But instead of looking for aid, we'd like to present President Obama with a homegrown solution to the transportation crisis. And instead of flying in a corporate jet, we're riding Brammo Enertia powercycles. We're just a couple of guys who work for Brammo, but we want to show that there's a better way to get from Point A to Point B. And we want to have a little fun whil ... More "Our plan is to retrace the route of the automotive CEOs who went to Washington DC asking for government loans. But instead of looking for aid, we'd like to present President Obama with a homegrown solution to the transportation crisis. And instead of flying in a corporate jet, we're riding Brammo Enertia powercycles. We're just a couple of guys who work for Brammo, but we want to show that there's a better way to get from Point A to Point B. And we want to have a little fun while we're doing it. So join us as we surf from plug to plug in a quest to meet Obama, fueled by nothing more than electricity and the kindness of everyday Americans." Less |
Sony Ericsson just launched their latest motion activated headset. Stated on their website: You can’t accidentally answer a call when your phone is in your pocket or bag since MH907 is only activated by body contact. But what if you want to scratch your earhole while talking to your friend? Sorry, I know I become skeptical when machines get too smart. More Sony Ericsson just launched their latest motion activated headset. Stated on their website: You can’t accidentally answer a call when your phone is in your pocket or bag since MH907 is only activated by body contact. But what if you want to scratch your earhole while talking to your friend? Sorry, I know I become skeptical when machines get too smart. Less |
拍个电视广告针对年轻人,决策人勉强可以用他的儿时记忆来判断这创意能否打动自己当时之心。但要做个多媒體UCG互动网站外括插件兼及時更新富媒體,對於他們來說可能會有點難度。电视广告有百万预算,做民调做focus group某程度上可以测量这创意能否成功。互动创意很多时候是要附带“平,靓,正”的功能,什么“以人为本设计方针”,“用户研究”等不“不切实际”的东西还是放在教科书了吧。好不好用,u不user-friendly谁都可以说一大堆意见,而且每人都似乎不无道理。做互动的当然希望可以教育决策人,但不是每人都能开门纳谏,和谐的社会还是和谐一点好。 More 拍个电视广告针对年轻人,决策人勉强可以用他的儿时记忆来判断这创意能否打动自己当时之心。但要做个多媒體UCG互动网站外括插件兼及時更新富媒體,對於他們來說可能會有點難度。电视广告有百万预算,做民调做focus group某程度上可以测量这创意能否成功。互动创意很多时候是要附带“平,靓,正”的功能,什么“以人为本设计方针”,“用户研究”等不“不切实际”的东西还是放在教科书了吧。好不好用,u不user-friendly谁都可以说一大堆意见,而且每人都似乎不无道理。做互动的当然希望可以教育决策人,但不是每人都能开门纳谏,和谐的社会还是和谐一点好。 Less |
一直觉得字体设计(typography)是平面设计的基础,然而它在中国却是最被忽略的一部分。 字体设计基础是一份来自 typeworkshop.com 的资料,简明扼要的描述了西文字体设计的一些基本概念,不管你是不是平面设计师或者是字体设计师,又或者只是路人甲乙丙丁,这些资料都可以让你进入字体所蕴含的数学之美。而且有许多方法也可以被引用到汉字设计中去。 More 一直觉得字体设计(typography)是平面设计的基础,然而它在中国却是最被忽略的一部分。 字体设计基础是一份来自 typeworkshop.com 的资料,简明扼要的描述了西文字体设计的一些基本概念,不管你是不是平面设计师或者是字体设计师,又或者只是路人甲乙丙丁,这些资料都可以让你进入字体所蕴含的数学之美。而且有许多方法也可以被引用到汉字设计中去。 Less |
Based in Shanghai, born in Malaysia. Radio studies Graphic Design in Dasein Academy of Art. He is a graphic designer that doesn't understand the big knowledge of photography. Therefore, he is a silly billy who carrying a mechanical box rambling in the jungle, sometimes in the street. More Based in Shanghai, born in Malaysia. Radio studies Graphic Design in Dasein Academy of Art. He is a graphic designer that doesn't understand the big knowledge of photography. Therefore, he is a silly billy who carrying a mechanical box rambling in the jungle, sometimes in the street. Less |
New Playstation campaign by W+K Tokyo. It’s that face you make when you are playing video games and concentrating so much that you don’t even realize the kind of expressions you are making. And everyone has a different one. More |
Helvetireader is a userscript that pares down Google Reader to what I consider to be the essentials. In particular, it's made for looking at just unread feeds in the expanded view, using Keyboard Shortcuts instead of on-screen buttons. It’s not going to suit how everyone uses Google Reader, so you can take the CSS and personalise to your hearts content! More Helvetireader is a userscript that pares down Google Reader to what I consider to be the essentials. In particular, it's made for looking at just unread feeds in the expanded view, using Keyboard Shortcuts instead of on-screen buttons. It’s not going to suit how everyone uses Google Reader, so you can take the CSS and personalise to your hearts content! Less |
最近在网上很火的两部短片。中国的动画真的有希望了! http://vimeo.com/5758269 http://vimeo.com/5764616 More |
Two typographers and a pro race pilot collaborated to design a font with a car. The car movements were tracked using a custom software, designed by interactive artist Zachary Lieberman. More Two typographers and a pro race pilot collaborated to design a font with a car. The car movements were tracked using a custom software, designed by interactive artist Zachary Lieberman. Less |
相幫 Lance Armstrong 打氣?你可以把鼓勵的話用短訊或 Twitter 發給這個粉筆機器人,它就會把你的訊息寫在Armstrong將路過的賽道上。 我猜應該是從這裡拿到靈感的:Bikes against Bush More 相幫 Lance Armstrong 打氣?你可以把鼓勵的話用短訊或 Twitter 發給這個粉筆機器人,它就會把你的訊息寫在Armstrong將路過的賽道上。 我猜應該是從這裡拿到靈感的:Bikes against Bush Less |
Experience the censored Chinese internet at home! The Firefox add-on China Channel offers internet user outside China to surf the web as if they were in China. Take an unforgetable virtual trip to China and experience the technical expertise of the Chinese Ministry of Information Industry (supported by western companies). It's open source, free and easy. And it's a good digital manifestation of the one country, two systems policy. I'm lucky enough to experience it without i ... More Experience the censored Chinese internet at home! The Firefox add-on China Channel offers internet user outside China to surf the web as if they were in China. Take an unforgetable virtual trip to China and experience the technical expertise of the Chinese Ministry of Information Industry (supported by western companies). It's open source, free and easy. And it's a good digital manifestation of the one country, two systems policy. I'm lucky enough to experience it without installing the add-on. Less |
Short Film / Onedreamrush / 42 Below Vodka / China Directed by Universal Everything More |