How Do You Feel About It?






f.r.o.m. is a non-profit organization, what we are doing is at least one party every 2 month,.the content of party changes every time, which could be speech / exhibition / theme party / philanthropic affairs,etc. each participant is the main brain of f.r.o.m.. Each party select different place, which can be underground garage / ruins of city / small hotel / parks / highway...or temporary architecture, meanwhile, a series of the video work, design product showing at the temporary space, then disappear when next party begins! f.r.o.m. 是完全非盈利的活动,立志每2个月至少一次的party。party的内容不定,可以是讲演/展览/主题派对/帮助希望工程等等。f.r.o.m.组织者只是f.r.o.m.的小脑,而每个参与者都是f.r.o.m.的大脑。每次party挑选不同的场地,可能是地下车库/废弃的拆迁地/南锣古巷的小宾馆/公园/高速公路旁...做现场临时搭建,这个作品同时也只有一个月的生命;一系列的作品全程纪录,它只存活在影象的纪录以及人们片断的记忆里。提供现场的个人设计音乐等产品的展示;寄居在不用的临时空间,并且随着下次活动的开始消失再生。
f.r.o.m. is a non-profit organization, what we are doing is at least one party every 2 month,.the content of party changes every time, which could be speech / exhibition / theme party / philanthropic affairs,etc. each participant is the main brain of f.r.o.m.. Each party select different place, which can be underground garage / ruins of city / small hotel / parks / highway...or temporary architecture, meanwhile, a series of the video work, design product showing at the temporary space, then disappear when next party begins! f.r.o.m. 是完全非盈利的活动,立志每2个月至少一次的party。party的内容不定,可以是讲演/展览/主题派对/帮助希望工程等等。f.r.o.m.组织者只是f.r.o.m.的小脑,而每个参与者都是f.r.o.m.的大脑。每次party挑选不同的场地,可能是地下车库/废弃的拆迁地/南锣古巷的小宾馆/公园/高速公路旁...做现场临时搭建,这个作品同时也只有一个月的生命;一系列的作品全程纪录,它只存活在影象的纪录以及人们片断的记忆里。提供现场的个人设计音乐等产品的展示;寄居在不用的临时空间,并且随着下次活动的开始消失再生。
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