How Do You Feel About It?






WE had a conversation at lunch. It was about architecture. We don't talk about this a lot since we are, alas, architects, and we find screwed-up relationships and sports and food a lot more interesting.

HE said, architecture is a weird profession because the better you are, the less you get paid. The more effort you put into generating a good design, the less willing people are to pay for it. Very few people pay for good design nowadays. Not just that. The personal attention to detail has vanished and people turn to generic solutions, aka mass production.

THE other he said, look at 'suburbia'. The endless repetition of boring contractor houses and people competing merely through size not design. Wasting money and resources on lawns and maintaining the ginormous house. At that point, he picked up the fork on the table and jabbed it into his eye and swirled it around so hard it became a squishy mess.

OR so he said he would.

>>keep off the grass

source: land+living
WE had a conversation at lunch. It was about architecture. We don't talk about this a lot since we are, alas, architects, and we find screwed-up relationships and sports and food a lot more interesting.

HE said, architecture is a weird profession because the better you are, the less you get paid. The more effort you put into generating a good design, the less willing people are to pay for it. Very few people pay for good design nowadays. Not just that. The personal attention to detail has vanished and people turn to generic solutions, aka mass production.

THE other he said, look at 'suburbia'. The endless repetition of boring contractor houses and people competing merely through size not design. Wasting money and resources on lawns and maintaining the ginormous house. At that point, he picked up the fork on the table and jabbed it into his eye and swirled it around so hard it became a squishy mess.

OR so he said he would.

>>keep off the grass

source: land+living

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