How Do You Feel About It?






Synecdoche, New York 被拋棄 亦或 拋棄 所帶來的 孤獨 被替 ...
Synecdoche, New York 被拋棄 亦或 拋棄 所帶來的 孤獨 被替代 亦或 替代 所顯現的 渺小 繼而 努力的 去尋找著些存在的意義 最後 在上演了一場華麗的鬧劇后 黯然離去 I'm just a little person   One person in a sea   Of many little people   Who are not aware of me      I do my little job   And live my little life   Eat my little meals   Miss my little kid and wife      And somewhere maybe someday   Maybe somewhere far away   I'll find a second little person   Who will look at me and say      I know you   You're the one   I've waited for   Let's have some fun      Life is precious   Every minute   And more precious with you in it   So let's have some fun      We'll take a road trip   Way out West   You're the one   I like the best      I'm glad I found you   Like being around you   You're the one   I like the best      Somewhere maybe someday   Maybe somewhere far away      Somewhere maybe someday   Maybe somewhere far away      Somewhere maybe someday   Maybe somewhere far away   I'll meet a second little person   and where go out and play