"Born 1985, Tokyo. Since 2007, Sputniko! (Hiromi Ozaki) has produced music, films and electronic devices exploring themes such as trans-humanism, vengeful cyborgs and open-source boyfriends, and has performed worldwide with the likes of Japanese pop legends Shonen Knife and Damo Suzuki." hmm.. very interesting. More "Born 1985, Tokyo. Since 2007, Sputniko! (Hiromi Ozaki) has produced music, films and electronic devices exploring themes such as trans-humanism, vengeful cyborgs and open-source boyfriends, and has performed worldwide with the likes of Japanese pop legends Shonen Knife and Damo Suzuki." hmm.. very interesting. Less |
"Our plan is to retrace the route of the automotive CEOs who went to Washington DC asking for government loans. But instead of looking for aid, we'd like to present President Obama with a homegrown solution to the transportation crisis. And instead of flying in a corporate jet, we're riding Brammo Enertia powercycles. We're just a couple of guys who work for Brammo, but we want to show that there's a better way to get from Point A to Point B. And we want to have a little fun whil ... More "Our plan is to retrace the route of the automotive CEOs who went to Washington DC asking for government loans. But instead of looking for aid, we'd like to present President Obama with a homegrown solution to the transportation crisis. And instead of flying in a corporate jet, we're riding Brammo Enertia powercycles. We're just a couple of guys who work for Brammo, but we want to show that there's a better way to get from Point A to Point B. And we want to have a little fun while we're doing it. So join us as we surf from plug to plug in a quest to meet Obama, fueled by nothing more than electricity and the kindness of everyday Americans." Less |
New Playstation campaign by W+K Tokyo. It’s that face you make when you are playing video games and concentrating so much that you don’t even realize the kind of expressions you are making. And everyone has a different one. More |
The Internet is flooded with free copies, so how can you make something better than free? In this essay, Kevin Kelly sheds light on this issue with his eight uncopyable values. P.S. In the essay he writes, "Even a dog knows you can't erase something once its flowed on the internet." Apparently th ... More The Internet is flooded with free copies, so how can you make something better than free? In this essay, Kevin Kelly sheds light on this issue with his eight uncopyable values. P.S. In the essay he writes, "Even a dog knows you can't erase something once its flowed on the internet." Apparently the Hong Kong police should ask a dog for advice in the recent star sex photos scandal. Less |
Robert@flight404 released the source code of his Particle Emitter, gorgeous as always. If you're interested to learn about Processing or coding in the domain of media arts, his site is always a good place to visit. More Robert@flight404 released the source code of his Particle Emitter, gorgeous as always. If you're interested to learn about Processing or coding in the domain of media arts, his site is always a good place to visit. Less |
又有一大堆的好相似設計。每當發現香港出現一些不太差的設計時,我總會來看看是否會在這個部落格裏找到它們。有時候覺得這已是一種香港的文化,並存於每個行業裏。 好相似MV提供: 鄭希怡 "Up and Down" VS Goldfrapp "Strict Machine" More 又有一大堆的好相似設計。每當發現香港出現一些不太差的設計時,我總會來看看是否會在這個部落格裏找到它們。有時候覺得這已是一種香港的文化,並存於每個行業裏。 好相似MV提供: 鄭希怡 "Up and Down" VS Goldfrapp "Strict Machine" Less |