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Tonight, I have just discovered a great event ...
Tonight, I have just discovered a great event about Chinese Films in Edinburgh from a poster in Curzon Soho theatre. More detail please to see …….it is a great chance to see the best Chinese films and to know about Chinese culture and history. Some of films will be showed in London on April. (Curzon Soho is one of cinemas) However, I am sure next year at the time of Beijing Olympic, it will be more events about China. It seems like there is only one colour represent China -RED! Bellowing list is the films which will be showed. Categories have been defined into ‘Shanghai in the 1930s’, ‘China on the brink of change’, ‘Action,melodrama and realism in the three chinas’, ‘Focus on Zhang Yimou’, ‘Fifth generation (directors)’, ‘Sixth generation’,'Beijing Film Academy’,'The movies of Xie Fei’, ‘The movies of Maggie Cheung’. ‘Cinema China Education’.I will try to find the chinese name to match the english titles. One thing is shame is it seems co-artistic directors Mark Cousins forgot about Macao and only seeing mainland of China, Hongkong and Taiwan as the China he meant the three Chinas…….a bit bizarre…sure he will be received some political complains;);)…. 1. The Arch (1970) 董夫人 ; Director: Cecile Tang 唐书璇 Shu Shuen Tong. 2. BFA Shorts and Animations; An exclusive selection of some of the best recent films from China’s newest crop of directors from Beijing Film Academy. 3. Black Snow (1990) 本命年; Director: 谢飞 Fei Xie 4. Centre Stage (1992/The Actress) 阮玲玉 ; Director: 关锦鹏 Stanley Kwan 5. A City of Sadness(1989) 悲情城市; Director: 侯孝贤 Hsiao-hsien Hou 6. Crows and Sparrows(1949) 乌鸦与麻雀; Director: 郑君里 Junli Zheng 7. Curse of the Golden Flower(2006/ The City of Golden Armor) 满城尽带黄金甲; Director: 张艺谋 Yimou Zhang 8. Distance(2006) 远离; Director: 卫铁 Tie Wei 9. Goddess(1934) 神女; Director: 吴永刚 Yonggang Wu 10.Hero (2002) 英雄; Director: 张艺谋 Yimou Zhang 11. HHH - A Portrait of Hou Hsaio-Hsien (1997) 侯孝贤画像; Director: 奥利维耶·阿萨亚斯 Olivier Assayas 12. In the Mood for Love(2000) 花样年华; Director: 王家卫 Kar Wai Wong 13. Ju Dou(1990)菊豆; Director: Director: 张艺谋 Yimou Zhang 14. The King of Masks(1996)变脸; Director: 吴天明 Wu Tianming 15. The Love Eterne(1963)梁山伯与祝英台; Director: 李翰祥 Han Hsiang Li 16. One-Armed Swordsman(1967) 独臂刀; Director: 张彻 Cheh Chang 17. Raise the Red Lantern(1991) 大红灯笼高高挂; Director: 张艺谋 Yimou Zhang 18. Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles(2005) 千里走单骑; Director: 张艺谋 Yimou Zhang 19. Spring in a Small Town (1948)小城之春; Director: 费穆 Mu Fei 20. A Touch of Zen (1948) 侠女; Director: 胡金铨 King Hu 21. Two Stage Sisters(1965) 舞台姐妹; Director: 谢晋 Jin Xie 22. Unknown Pleasures(2002) 任逍遥; Director: 贾樟柯 Jia Zhangke 23. Uproar in Heaven(1965) 大闹天宫; Directors: 万籁鸣 Laiming Wan / 唐澄 Cheng Tang 24. Vive L’Amour(1994)爱情万岁; Director: 蔡明亮 Ming-liang Tsai 25. The Wedding Banquet(1993) 喜宴; Director: 李安 Ang Lee 26. Women from the Lake of Scented Souls (1993/ Woman Sesame Oil Maker) 香魂女; Director: 谢飞 Fei Xie 27. Yellow Earth(1984) 黄土地; Director: 凯歌 Kaige Chen
How Do You Feel About It?






The programme consists of presentations from ...
The programme consists of presentations from design practitioners, craftspeople, researchers and technologists. Each evening is themed around the use of digital technology in ceramics, textiles, interiors and architecture, metalwork and jewellery, with some talks featuring demonstrations of cutting-edge digital equipment. Peter Ayres will give a talk representing Heatherwick Studio. I am sure some of you still remembered him when he presented it in my party ‘Post Awakening’ last year October. Please go and cheer with him;) aware you better reserve your seat although it is free entrance. see website for more details.