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What a day! He's totally a assssshole jerk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm confused even if he's like that, what i'm supposed to do. I'm truely stuck in a complicated situation, don't know what to do now well, after he replied me on facebook after so long..a year and half, I wanted to see him so badly, but didn't what to say when i actually see him!! that's what I was thinking about the whole day yesterday! and it ended up awefully, he didn't not show up. I want to know why, at least why he's done it, playing me? well, i geniunely thought he's a gooooood person!! well ,he wasn't that nice after all.I was really hurt after what happened,really. when i was calling Xiaoxin, I cried quietly he wouldn't have heard and also because of the sound of wind by the sea side!! I thought we had an agreement that we'll meet at around 1pm at hove station,he told me he had time 1pm-4pm.so when i texted him that i am still at bellerbys, so 1pm hove station,however he replied me back ,said that he'll text me when he finishes work. omg, i thought ok....then i continued hanging around in bellerbys,and went to hove with no.7 bus..text him that i'm here let me know, then no reply..... I kept waiting ,walked to hove park, passed Alex's flat, (my second hostfamily in brighton). very sunny!! just killing time. wasting time,to be exact. However, he didn't reply at all.... I went to hove centre, walking around,at 5pm ,i finally texted him, ''you don't have time to meet me ,do you? please let me know at least. Thank you'' well, oddly he replied immediatly,what a jerk,because of my weird attitude that presented in the text??!! michael: can you meet me at sea front,the one next to kings alfred me: is king alfred the leisure centre? no reply no messages... I was having an headache when thinking of him.. feeling sick ...was thinking about all the possible scenarioes that could take place when i see him...i wanted to know so eagerly why he didn't contact me and tell me what happended in his life,just simply let me know that he doesn't want to have anything to do with me any longer. it's simple and no one will get hurt. that asshole should have done that,so that i wouldn't think anything ...i would understand and stop sending emails to him...I wouldn't think of him once and while...I wouldn't expect anything from him...I wouldn't want him to like me back ...I would have moved on...moved out of the life that he was in !!!!!!!!!!!!!! that jerk!!!!! I hate him!!!! I really deeeeeeep down in my heart, I thought he's nice,woundn't have done sth like this to me, I still coundn't believe he's done it actually!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well,let me continue first. so I went to sea front around 6pm, waited waited...early spring in Brighton still a bit chilly..windy..cold to be honest...waiting waiting.. 7pm...waiting..I called Xiaoxin, he asked me to call him,call him call him, i said no ,i don't want to call him, i 'm afraid ..i don't want to .. sunset...beautiful sunset..my heart was melt...amazing ,the sun was literately round!!!!!!!!!! pick !!!!!!! so i put myself together and called him, i was shocked that it went into voicemail service! omg, can you imagine what i was thinking at that particular moment, i really cried ..in the heart... called again...same...ok i told xiaoxin what happed, he said 回去你的伦敦吧 恩,我回去我的伦敦。。 我不敢相信一切就这么结束了。。 告诉nina,大头,NINA也根本没想到会这样结束。 他是个傻逼,骗子,BIG FAT LIAR!!!! JERK!1!!!!!!!!!! 我再也不要相信他了。。。回到家,把他从FACEBOOK删除了。。JOANA让我这么坐的,但是手机没有删除。。。不知道为什么。。 今天起床很晚,起来已经下午了,居然收到他的短信, MICHAEL: where are you i've been waiting please let me whether you're coming or not ME: what are you talking about?I've been waing the whole day!! it was you who didn't show up!!? MICHAEL:when did you recieve my messages? I waited also missing you now. ME:I've just received the last two messages!! i texted you ,no reply. I called you ,no answer. I waited at hove and then sea front kings alfred. there was no sigh of you. i was there till 8pm, so there you go ! MICHAEL:it's strange to just recieve it now. I want to see you asap! ME: michael, i'm busy and i don't think i'll take it again if sth like yesterday happeds again. i was rally hurt becasue of you not showing up. If you are in london for some reasons next time, we could meet up though. sorry michael, i don't know if i can trust u any more.. NO REPLY!!!!!!!!!! ME:micael, why didn't you simply let me know that you didn't want to see me? I would understand really.. you shoudn't have bothered replying my messages in the first place then! i really don't understand. NO REAPLY! 没有回复已经不是什么新奇的事情了。。 他怎么可以这样。。如果问宝林,他一定会说他肯定觉得内疚,但是不敢告诉我,而且还有妻子孩子,所以即使想见我,又不敢,所以干脆没有来。。。哈哈哈。。可以啊,我可以接受,但我的要求不高,仅仅希望他但是4点钟的时候告诉我他今天不能来见我了,或者说根本就不要回复我当时在FACEBOOK发的信息!!! 天,现在感觉全是我的错误,当初不应该在FACEBOOK 留言,不应该和TOBY聊天,一切也许不会发生。但我清楚地知道,如果昨天没有去BRIGHTON,我一定会后悔,我不想做后悔的事。好的。他已经结婚了,我知道,有孩子了,我也知道。只不过,只是听TOBY一个人说的,所以我才想去见他,听他告诉我发生了什么事情,我想见他,但是又因为他放我鸽子了一次,我不敢了。 真的很矛盾,很纠结。。怎么办,我不能再浪费时间,金钱去见他了。如果他来伦敦,我们可以见面。不然免谈。人怎么说都有自尊,尊严的。如果我让我来布莱顿,我去了,然后他不来。 下次他再叫我来,我又去,我还算什么东西。我还是人么?我还能有什么尊严剩下???!我要尊敬自己,he should know that i'm a human and yes, i do have feeling ! he can't just munipulate me as he wants!!! i'm not a robot!!! Michael, you're dead to me..you're nothing..you're totally a jerk arsehole!!! i hate you!! but thank you for making me a stronger person, and clever person. i was stupid enough to wait you for whole day! I'M DONE WAITING! 从一年半他停止联系我开始,我就总是盼望,等待,希望有一天有个圆满的结束。。。等待等待,,,一年半就这么过去了。。还记得当初他问我,will you wait for me 我: yes 很傻,昨天也是一样,很天真,傻乎乎的一等就7个小时,整整一天,当时很兴奋,想到终于要见到他了,毕竟已经有两年没有见面了。。真的很想念他,我还是很喜欢他。但我知道,我们不可能了。我要学会放弃。我已经不是当初那个单纯天真的小女孩了。我从此长大了。再见童真。我思想成熟了。但是我觉得如果类似的事情再发生,我可能还是会很傻的,期待,等待爱情。 我憧憬的爱情总是美好的,甜蜜的。 但是事实却不是如此,我的爱情是苦涩的,一去不复返了。消失在布莱顿的无边无际的大海中。Michael,我永远还是喜欢你,虽然昨天是想去跟你说,我想做朋友,但没想到会这样结束。真的连朋友都做不成么? 天啊,刚才神经病给他打电话了,居然有嘟嘟的响。。。。。。。响了两次我就吓得挂了。我当时在想什么,神经病。。。好吧,我是公认的白痴。爱情傻瓜 HOW DID I EVER GET INTO THIS???!! 我不可能做第三者,不可能,从来想都没有想过的事,不能!!! 对待爱情,我不理智,需要镇定,变得理智一点吧。 好的,现在开始,忘掉MICHAEL,想我的SPECIAL FRIEND! LOL that's what GIGI said to me..well well..yeah...lol my special friend....hey hey hope you're alright,miss you ,hope to see you sooon~ it's weird it's been so long, and we've met twice and that's it! haha..hopefully there'll be sth interesting in the future when we're together! 学习!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 及格!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a day! He's totally a assssshole jerk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm confused even if he's like that, what i'm supposed to do. I'm truely stuck in a complicated situation, don't know what to do now well, after he replied me on facebook after so long..a year and half, I wanted to see him so badly, but didn't what to say when i actually see him!! that's what I was thinking about the whole day yesterday! and it ended up awefully, he didn't not show up. I want to know why, at least why he's done it, playing me? well, i geniunely thought he's a gooooood person!! well ,he wasn't that nice after all.I was really hurt after what happened,really. when i was calling Xiaoxin, I cried quietly he wouldn't have heard and also because of the sound of wind by the sea side!! I thought we had an agreement that we'll meet at around 1pm at hove station,he told me he had time 1pm-4pm.so when i texted him that i am still at bellerbys, so 1pm hove station,however he replied me back ,said that he'll text me when he finishes work. omg, i thought ok....then i continued hanging around in bellerbys,and went to hove with no.7 bus..text him that i'm here let me know, then no reply..... I kept waiting ,walked to hove park, passed Alex's flat, (my second hostfamily in brighton). very sunny!! just killing time. wasting time,to be exact. However, he didn't reply at all.... I went to hove centre, walking around,at 5pm ,i finally texted him, ''you don't have time to meet me ,do you? please let me know at least. Thank you'' well, oddly he replied immediatly,what a jerk,because of my weird attitude that presented in the text??!! michael: can you meet me at sea front,the one next to kings alfred me: is king alfred the leisure centre? no reply no messages... I was having an headache when thinking of him.. feeling sick ...was thinking about all the possible scenarioes that could take place when i see him...i wanted to know so eagerly why he didn't contact me and tell me what happended in his life,just simply let me know that he doesn't want to have anything to do with me any longer. it's simple and no one will get hurt. that asshole should have done that,so that i wouldn't think anything ...i would understand and stop sending emails to him...I wouldn't think of him once and while...I wouldn't expect anything from him...I wouldn't want him to like me back ...I would have moved on...moved out of the life that he was in !!!!!!!!!!!!!! that jerk!!!!! I hate him!!!! I really deeeeeeep down in my heart, I thought he's nice,woundn't have done sth like this to me, I still coundn't believe he's done it actually!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well,let me continue first. so I went to sea front around 6pm, waited waited...early spring in Brighton still a bit chilly..windy..cold to be honest...waiting waiting.. 7pm...waiting..I called Xiaoxin, he asked me to call him,call him call him, i said no ,i don't want to call him, i 'm afraid ..i don't want to .. sunset...beautiful sunset..my heart was melt...amazing ,the sun was literately round!!!!!!!!!! pick !!!!!!! so i put myself together and called him, i was shocked that it went into voicemail service! omg, can you imagine what i was thinking at that particular moment, i really cried ..in the heart... called again...same...ok i told xiaoxin what happed, he said 回去你的伦敦吧 恩,我回去我的伦敦。。 我不敢相信一切就这么结束了。。 告诉nina,大头,NINA也根本没想到会这样结束。 他是个傻逼,骗子,BIG FAT LIAR!!!! JERK!1!!!!!!!!!! 我再也不要相信他了。。。回到家,把他从FACEBOOK删除了。。JOANA让我这么坐的,但是手机没有删除。。。不知道为什么。。 今天起床很晚,起来已经下午了,居然收到他的短信, MICHAEL: where are you i've been waiting please let me whether you're coming or not ME: what are you talking about?I've been waing the whole day!! it was you who didn't show up!!? MICHAEL:when did you recieve my messages? I waited also missing you now. ME:I've just received the last two messages!! i texted you ,no reply. I called you ,no answer. I waited at hove and then sea front kings alfred. there was no sigh of you. i was there till 8pm, so there you go ! MICHAEL:it's strange to just recieve it now. I want to see you asap! ME: michael, i'm busy and i don't think i'll take it again if sth like yesterday happeds again. i was rally hurt becasue of you not showing up. If you are in london for some reasons next time, we could meet up though. sorry michael, i don't know if i can trust u any more.. NO REPLY!!!!!!!!!! ME:micael, why didn't you simply let me know that you didn't want to see me? I would understand really.. you shoudn't have bothered replying my messages in the first place then! i really don't understand. NO REAPLY! 没有回复已经不是什么新奇的事情了。。 他怎么可以这样。。如果问宝林,他一定会说他肯定觉得内疚,但是不敢告诉我,而且还有妻子孩子,所以即使想见我,又不敢,所以干脆没有来。。。哈哈哈。。可以啊,我可以接受,但我的要求不高,仅仅希望他但是4点钟的时候告诉我他今天不能来见我了,或者说根本就不要回复我当时在FACEBOOK发的信息!!! 天,现在感觉全是我的错误,当初不应该在FACEBOOK 留言,不应该和TOBY聊天,一切也许不会发生。但我清楚地知道,如果昨天没有去BRIGHTON,我一定会后悔,我不想做后悔的事。好的。他已经结婚了,我知道,有孩子了,我也知道。只不过,只是听TOBY一个人说的,所以我才想去见他,听他告诉我发生了什么事情,我想见他,但是又因为他放我鸽子了一次,我不敢了。 真的很矛盾,很纠结。。怎么办,我不能再浪费时间,金钱去见他了。如果他来伦敦,我们可以见面。不然免谈。人怎么说都有自尊,尊严的。如果我让我来布莱顿,我去了,然后他不来。 下次他再叫我来,我又去,我还算什么东西。我还是人么?我还能有什么尊严剩下???!我要尊敬自己,he should know that i'm a human and yes, i do have feeling ! he can't just munipulate me as he wants!!! i'm not a robot!!! Michael, you're dead to me..you're nothing..you're totally a jerk arsehole!!! i hate you!! but thank you for making me a stronger person, and clever person. i was stupid enough to wait you for whole day! I'M DONE WAITING! 从一年半他停止联系我开始,我就总是盼望,等待,希望有一天有个圆满的结束。。。等待等待,,,一年半就这么过去了。。还记得当初他问我,will you wait for me 我: yes 很傻,昨天也是一样,很天真,傻乎乎的一等就7个小时,整整一天,当时很兴奋,想到终于要见到他了,毕竟已经有两年没有见面了。。真的很想念他,我还是很喜欢他。但我知道,我们不可能了。我要学会放弃。我已经不是当初那个单纯天真的小女孩了。我从此长大了。再见童真。我思想成熟了。但是我觉得如果类似的事情再发生,我可能还是会很傻的,期待,等待爱情。 我憧憬的爱情总是美好的,甜蜜的。 但是事实却不是如此,我的爱情是苦涩的,一去不复返了。消失在布莱顿的无边无际的大海中。Michael,我永远还是喜欢你,虽然昨天是想去跟你说,我想做朋友,但没想到会这样结束。真的连朋友都做不成么? 天啊,刚才神经病给他打电话了,居然有嘟嘟的响。。。。。。。响了两次我就吓得挂了。我当时在想什么,神经病。。。好吧,我是公认的白痴。爱情傻瓜 HOW DID I EVER GET INTO THIS???!! 我不可能做第三者,不可能,从来想都没有想过的事,不能!!! 对待爱情,我不理智,需要镇定,变得理智一点吧。 好的,现在开始,忘掉MICHAEL,想我的SPECIAL FRIEND! LOL that's what GIGI said to me..well well..yeah...lol my special friend....hey hey hope you're alright,miss you ,hope to see you sooon~ it's weird it's been so long, and we've met twice and that's it! haha..hopefully there'll be sth interesting in the future when we're together! 学习!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 及格!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Less |