我睡了13个小时 吃了吃火锅 喝了喝小酒 疗了疗小伤 临了刮了刮发票 嘿 中了十洋~ 税务局万岁! 借着寒潮 每个人都讲着自己的小故事 个保个的 拔凉拔凉 海角七号也捂不暖它 火锅也还嫌火力不够 都会说“总有一天会好起来的” 可是有时,还真想用明天的美好换走一点眼下的悲凉 给点点阳光 我们保证会灿烂! Chuck said to Blair:"i didn't won" "Then why i feel like i lost" "The reason we cant say those three words to each other isnt cuz they aren't true.... i think we both know that the moment we do, it wont be the start of something. It'll be the end. ...What we like is this." "The game." "Without it i'm not sure how long would it last. It'd just be a matter of time before we messed it all up." The hate is the only thing that lasts in my mind. Again and again, I reminded myself about all the pains in order to strengthen the hate. (although i dont like the word) Since when it ends, I'll only mess myself up. Do I have any other choice? The phone will never ring for you. 我睡了13个小时 吃了吃火锅 喝了喝小酒 疗了疗小伤 临了刮了刮发票 嘿 中了十洋~ 税务局万岁! 借着寒潮 每个人都讲着自己的小故事 个保个的 拔凉拔凉 海角七号也捂不暖它 火锅也还嫌火力不够 都会说“总有一天会好起来的” 可是有时,还真想用明天的美好换走一点眼下的悲凉 给点点阳光 我们保证会灿烂! Chuck said to Blair:"i didn't won" "Then why i feel like i lost" "The reason we cant say those three words to each other isnt cuz they aren't true.... i think we both know that the moment we do, it wont be the start of something. It'll be the end. ...What we like is this." "The game." "Without it i'm not sure how long would it last. It'd just be a matter of time before we messed it all up." The hate is the only thing that lasts in my mind. Again and again, I reminded myself about all the pains in order to strengthen the hate. (although i dont like the word) Since when it ends, I'll only mess myself up. Do I have any other choice? The phone will never ring for you. Less |