基于网上众多的负面评价,在看《哈5》之前就没有抱什么希望。况且我还不是哈迷,之前只不完整地看过第一部和第三部。对电影唯一想说的是Luna Lovegood还真是招人喜欢。只是看完电影,不能不想到魔法。这世界上是不是真的存在,黑魔法白魔法或是更高级一点的灰魔法之类的东西。大概是因为受电影影响,网上有很多魔法学校,定期招生开课,课程也都像模像样,像草药学之类看起来都还是很科学有用的东西。大学文学课讲到霍桑时曾经查过一些关于女巫的资料,也因此产生了一些兴趣。似乎人们总是把女巫与撒旦联系在一起,认为女巫是邪恶的巫婆。众所周知的是,女巫是不信基督教的,而撒旦只是基督教意义上的存在而已。其实女巫们是很善良的,她们尊重甚至崇拜自然。女巫信仰守则13条中第9条便是“女巫尊重所有生命,无论是属于一只虫子的生命,或是一粒种子,或是一棵树,或是老虎,或是住在你家旁边的一个粗鲁的男人,所有这些都是必须生存以便生命的延续和再发展的。”网上曾经有一个叫“X”的地方,有一些真正的女巫和魔法师在那里,可惜已经关闭了。还有一些像“天赋荣耀”那样的社区也把有关魔法的版块隐藏了起来,只有特定会员才能浏览。MSN或其他地方有一些颇具秘密性的群组,要考试合格且交纳一定的会费才可以加入。也许是因为涉及的话题比较敏感,为了避免关闭不得已而为之吧,可苦了向我这样好奇心强烈的人了。其实有些资料仔细看过了之后,对于结界,影子书,魔杖,月下封印一类的事情,也就不觉得那么神秘了,似乎是平常人都能做的事情。女巫也是普通人,她们也有爱有恨,也结婚生子,有自己的工作。至于骑着扫把在空中飞,大概只是人们美好的想象罢了。关于女巫有一段话特别喜欢,读过之后,会觉得做女巫其实也是一件不错的事情。摘录如下: To be a witch is to love and be loved. To be a witch is to know everything, and nothing at all. To be a witch is to move amongst the stars while staying on earth. To be a witch is to change the world around you, and yourself. To be a witch is to share and give, while receiving all the while. To be a witch is to dance and sing, and hold hands with the universe. To be a witch is to honour the gods, and yourself. To be a witch is to BE magick, not just perform it. To be a witch is to be honourable, or nothing at all. To be a witch is to accept others who are not. To be a witch is to know what you feel is right and good. To be a witch is to harm none. To be a witch is to know the ways of old. To be a witch is to see beyond the barriers. To be a witch is to follow the moon. To be a witch is to be one with the gods. To be a witch is to study and to learn. To be a witch is to be the teacher and the student. To be a witch is to acknowledge the truth. To be a witch is to live with the earth, not just on it. To be a witch is to be truly free! 基于网上众多的负面评价,在看《哈5》之前就没有抱什么希望。况且我还不是哈迷,之前只不完整地看过第一部和第三部。对电影唯一想说的是Luna Lovegood还真是招人喜欢。只是看完电影,不能不想到魔法。这世界上是不是真的存在,黑魔法白魔法或是更高级一点的灰魔法之类的东西。大概是因为受电影影响,网上有很多魔法学校,定期招生开课,课程也都像模像样,像草药学之类看起来都还是很科学有用的东西。大学文学课讲到霍桑时曾经查过一些关于女巫的资料,也因此产生了一些兴趣。似乎人们总是把女巫与撒旦联系在一起,认为女巫是邪恶的巫婆。众所周知的是,女巫是不信基督教的,而撒旦只是基督教意义上的存在而已。其实女巫们是很善良的,她们尊重甚至崇拜自然。女巫信仰守则13条中第9条便是“女巫尊重所有生命,无论是属于一只虫子的生命,或是一粒种子,或是一棵树,或是老虎,或是住在你家旁边的一个粗鲁的男人,所有这些都是必须生存以便生命的延续和再发展的。”网上曾经有一个叫“X”的地方,有一些真正的女巫和魔法师在那里,可惜已经关闭了。还有一些像“天赋荣耀”那样的社区也把有关魔法的版块隐藏了起来,只有特定会员才能浏览。MSN或其他地方有一些颇具秘密性的群组,要考试合格且交纳一定的会费才可以加入。也许是因为涉及的话题比较敏感,为了避免关闭不得已而为之吧,可苦了向我这样好奇心强烈的人了。其实有些资料仔细看过了之后,对于结界,影子书,魔杖,月下封印一类的事情,也就不觉得那么神秘了,似乎是平常人都能做的事情。女巫也是普通人,她们也有爱有恨,也结婚生子,有自己的工作。至于骑着扫把在空中飞,大概只是人们美好的想象罢了。关于女巫有一段话特别喜欢,读过之后,会觉得做女巫其实也是一件不错的事情。摘录如下: To be a witch is to love and be loved. To be a witch is to know everything, and nothing at all. To be a witch is to move amongst the stars while staying on earth. To be a witch is to change the world around you, and yourself. To be a witch is to share and give, while receiving all the while. To be a witch is to dance and sing, and hold hands with the universe. To be a witch is to honour the gods, and yourself. To be a witch is to BE magick, not just perform it. To be a witch is to be honourable, or nothing at all. To be a witch is to accept others who are not. To be a witch is to know what you feel is right and good. To be a witch is to harm none. To be a witch is to know the ways of old. To be a witch is to see beyond the barriers. To be a witch is to follow the moon. To be a witch is to be one with the gods. To be a witch is to study and to learn. To be a witch is to be the teacher and the student. To be a witch is to acknowledge the truth. To be a witch is to live with the earth, not just on it. To be a witch is to be truly free! Less |