I found my ancestor today!!! I was told by my mum that our family tree which could be dated back more than 1000 years ago was protected by the local museum! I am so glad and proud that my ancestor was such a great people who I admire most even from I was a little child--I didn't know it was him that time...I need to heritage something good from him and creat something new from myself.I really wanna my generations would be proud of me in future times!Fight HoHo! I found my ancestor today!!! I was told by my mum that our family tree which could be dated back more than 1000 years ago was protected by the local museum! I am so glad and proud that my ancestor was such a great people who I admire most even from I was a little child--I didn't know it was him that time...I need to heritage something good from him and creat something new from myself.I really wanna my generations would be proud of me in future times!Fight HoHo! Less |