去年底的時候我們看到英國的一間Agency Box1824做的“We All Want to be Young”視頻,覺得很受啟發。於是我們就在想,如何可以用一個視頻來代表中國的年輕人呢?所以很多版的scripting和很多剪輯之後,就有了這個"We All Want to be ... More 去年底的時候我們看到英國的一間Agency Box1824做的“We All Want to be Young”視頻,覺得很受啟發。於是我們就在想,如何可以用一個視頻來代表中國的年輕人呢?所以很多版的scripting和很多剪輯之後,就有了這個"We All Want to be Young in China"。希望這是可以代表中國年輕人心聲的視頻,也希望更多人可以認可到,中國的年輕人是不同的一代! Less |
如果你都像我一樣,小時候看太多偶像劇,想象你人生的每個情節都有那種夢幻配樂的話,那你應該也會喜歡這個app的idea。在長久冬天之後的一個晴天早晨,我在iPod中隨機的放出了Corinne Bailey Rae 的 “Put Your Records On”,然後心情大好,這就是 ... More 如果你都像我一樣,小時候看太多偶像劇,想象你人生的每個情節都有那種夢幻配樂的話,那你應該也會喜歡這個app的idea。在長久冬天之後的一個晴天早晨,我在iPod中隨機的放出了Corinne Bailey Rae 的 “Put Your Records On”,然後心情大好,這就是我第一個soundtracking。音樂於我的感動時常是無法表達,就在那一刻的事情,所以我想用soundtracking記錄下來的,就是我自己當時的心情。這大概會是比主動去告訴朋友:某某歌很好聽更有效的分享方式吧。 Less |
今天也就是3月22日是世界水日,為了提醒大家世界上還有很多人因為沒有干淨的水可以喝所以生病而死。巴黎的BDDP Unlimited為此專門做了這個用水來作畫的視頻,以無色之水在紙上先作畫,再用黑色墨水暈染,藝術感很強!
"Today, it is estimated ... More 今天也就是3月22日是世界水日,為了提醒大家世界上還有很多人因為沒有干淨的水可以喝所以生病而死。巴黎的BDDP Unlimited為此專門做了這個用水來作畫的視頻,以無色之水在紙上先作畫,再用黑色墨水暈染,藝術感很強! "Today, it is estimated that 3.6 million people, including 1.5 million children under the age of 5, die every year of diseases borne by undrinkable water, making it the world’s leading cause of death. Yet the public isn’t aware of it and political leaders do not demonstrate the drive it takes to end the terrible deaths. The campaign calls on journalists to spread awareness of this scourge and appeal to readers to sign a petition that will be personally handed to the French president during the 6th World Water Forum in March 2012. To evoke the silent and invisible threat of unhealthy water, BDDP Unlimited opted for a minimalist approach that is both visually appealing and surprising, using water and ink exclusively. The spot shows the power of ink to reveal the invisible." Less |
"Why wait for the storm to pass, Learn to dance in the rain."
這是今晚和兩位可說同命相連的朋友聊天後的最大感受。我們的處境都可謂心酸自知,卻又由不得我們選擇。但是與其讓生活把我們搞得筋疲力盡,不如學 ... More "Why wait for the storm to pass, Learn to dance in the rain." 這是今晚和兩位可說同命相連的朋友聊天後的最大感受。我們的處境都可謂心酸自知,卻又由不得我們選擇。但是與其讓生活把我們搞得筋疲力盡,不如學習如何控制自己的心情不受影響。Life is never fair, and it will never be. Less |
這系列裡我最中意巴西年輕設計師Renan Valadares的這張,搖晃的太陽下面寫著127.560.000>8,9 (127560000就是官方公布的日本人口數) ... More 這兩日大家都關心日本的災情,動作快的設計師們已經設計了一系列的關懷作品,號召大家一起幫助日本人走出災難。 這系列裡我最中意巴西年輕設計師Renan Valadares的這張,搖晃的太陽下面寫著127.560.000>8,9 (127560000就是官方公布的日本人口數)。 雖然至今不知道海嘯核輻射對這個國家的創傷有多大,但是日本人的精神已經影響了全世界。讓我們一起來為日本祈禱吧! Less |
As human beings, we are naturally wired to build expectations for everything. When you say "I have no expectation" on something, what you are saying is just your expectation is low but it exists no ... More As human beings, we are naturally wired to build expectations for everything. When you say "I have no expectation" on something, what you are saying is just your expectation is low but it exists nonetheless. With expectation comes satisfaction and disappointment. The two always go hand in hand. In order to avoid disappointment, I often deliberately keeps my own expectation fairly low. I try to manage others' expectation on me as well, by trying to keep it within the range I know I can deliver. Yet it's tough cause it can't always be achieved. Sometimes I just fail miserably because I can't satisfy them. It's also very hard to fight some unreasonable expectations. I have to sit and wait before those expectation goes away. Meanwhile, what can I do? Hang in there before it's over. Or I can bend myself to satisfy them... But that way, I'm just not me any more. Less |