How Do You Feel About It?






*while lining up for coffee*

COFFEE LADY: having here or take away?
CLAIRE: Take away please
MEL: huh? aren't we gonna hang around here a while before going back?
CLAIRE: yeah. but i like my coffee in the take away cup, whatever it is...
MEL: oh, ok...
CLAIRE: yeah, i don't know why... but drinking from the mug is just different... i love the take away cup! it's so on-the-go...
MEL: hm yeah, i guess...
CLAIRE: isn't it? it's just different!
MEL: I mean... okayyyy. I don't really have anything to say to that...? i'm sorry, but that's just not something anyone would say!


*5 minutes later , having got our coffees and me coming back from the toilet*

MEL: hey claire! guess what?!
CLAIRE: what?
MEL: I just got my FIRST call. (mel bought a new phone yesterday and she's really loving it)
CLAIRE: um... okayy...
MEL: Heehee!
CLAIRE: ok, now *I* really don't have anything to say to that!
MEL: But it's my first call!
CLAIRE: oh come on! that is sooo much more random than me saying i like my coffee in a take away cup.

(And then we go on to debate as to which is more random. yeah, it's just one of those things...)
*while lining up for coffee*

COFFEE LADY: having here or take away?
CLAIRE: Take away please
MEL: huh? aren't we gonna hang around here a while before going back?
CLAIRE: yeah. but i like my coffee in the take away cup, whatever it is...
MEL: oh, ok...
CLAIRE: yeah, i don't know why... but drinking from the mug is just different... i love the take away cup! it's so on-the-go...
MEL: hm yeah, i guess...
CLAIRE: isn't it? it's just different!
MEL: I mean... okayyyy. I don't really have anything to say to that...? i'm sorry, but that's just not something anyone would say!


*5 minutes later , having got our coffees and me coming back from the toilet*

MEL: hey claire! guess what?!
CLAIRE: what?
MEL: I just got my FIRST call. (mel bought a new phone yesterday and she's really loving it)
CLAIRE: um... okayy...
MEL: Heehee!
CLAIRE: ok, now *I* really don't have anything to say to that!
MEL: But it's my first call!
CLAIRE: oh come on! that is sooo much more random than me saying i like my coffee in a take away cup.

(And then we go on to debate as to which is more random. yeah, it's just one of those things...)
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Comments (2)
:) have a good trip back to UK. will miss you muchly!

