How Do You Feel About It?






Maybe I shouldn't have watched this "weird" movie about perfume a while back (click on "link" above) because everytime I search for reviews and information on a perfume I feel l ...
Maybe I shouldn't have watched this "weird" movie about perfume a while back (click on "link" above) because everytime I search for reviews and information on a perfume I feel like I might be a psycho murderer. I have been searching for a new perfume for a while, since I ran out of my college favorite: Tommy Girl. Yeah, it's time for an update, I mean, I will have graduated for 5 years in March *cringe (I am old!)*. I still remember being 18 and purchasing the perfume as a "getting into the university" present to myself - it even came with a canvas tote. Whoa, so one perfume through all these years, you ask. Actually no, I was really into Ralph two years later and bought it during my first ever trip to NYC. However, it was only my second favorite. Then I got three different ones as presents (all from guys other than Kei) and they were great too, mostly. Okay, I only liked the one from PM. Still, I want to find a staple that I can always go back to and count on because some scents can only be worn during certain occasions. I wanted a well-rounded all-occasion all-season scent. I think I might have found it, after many spraying sessions, first on paper, then on person. It was a lot of work. This blog really helped with my search, but of course, smelling the scent yourself is the most accurate. http://nowsmellthis.blogharbor.com/ Happy sniffing~