How Do You Feel About It?






It was one of those really busy weekends.

There is still so much to be done around the house though - maybe it's time to be a real full time housewife.
Three loads of laundry, a trip to Costco, a trip to Trader Joe's.
Then finally changing my summer weight jersey sheets for cozy flannel ones.

The extracurricular activities this weekend has taught me two important lessons: One, I am out of shape, and two, bowling and air hockey is a bad mix! (I don't even especially like these activities really.)
I totally strained my right arm - it was hurting so badly that even when I turned the faucet knobs my arm felt sore. Ugh. It would have made more sense if I were carrying an arm load of shopping bags!

A plan has been mapped out for me to "love the gym," for health's sake. Hopefully I will be going at least 5 days a week - we'll see how long this lasts.
It was one of those really busy weekends.

There is still so much to be done around the house though - maybe it's time to be a real full time housewife.
Three loads of laundry, a trip to Costco, a trip to Trader Joe's.
Then finally changing my summer weight jersey sheets for cozy flannel ones.

The extracurricular activities this weekend has taught me two important lessons: One, I am out of shape, and two, bowling and air hockey is a bad mix! (I don't even especially like these activities really.)
I totally strained my right arm - it was hurting so badly that even when I turned the faucet knobs my arm felt sore. Ugh. It would have made more sense if I were carrying an arm load of shopping bags!

A plan has been mapped out for me to "love the gym," for health's sake. Hopefully I will be going at least 5 days a week - we'll see how long this lasts.

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Comments (2)
Yeah yeah - I am always kinda sleepy after yoga, I don't know if I am just really relaxed or very fatigued after holding all those poses.

what luxury to have seasonal sheets!
oh dude...I'd totally neglected my yoga! Maybe it's just what I need to de-stress once a week. hya~~~
